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Is It…Alive? (A Miraculous True Story About the Power of Perseverance and the Belief in Possibilities and What It Means For All of Us)

Earlier this week, I spoke at a GED graduation celebration. In addition to congratulating graduates, I always like to share some story or quote that will honor all that they’ve been through to accomplish their goals. You might not realize it, but the 4 tests required to pass the GED are very difficult. Preparing for…

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The Guard at the Gate

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” -John Steinbeck I am a creative, imaginative person who loves ideas.There have been many times in my life that I have had an amazing idea-the kind where you can’t sleep because you are so excited about it-and yet have hesitated in attempting…

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The Dark

“I am afraid,” the little girl whispered, as she shuddered and backed away. “But whatever is there to be afraid of?” asked the old woman. The little girl could not see the old woman but could hear her voice as if from far away. “The dark…I am afraid of the dark”, the little girl replied.…

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We Are Not Our Mistakes-Part 1

Lately, I have watched multiple people that I care about go through some stuff that has been scary, painful, or all of the above. Some of these situations have been due to external factors beyond their control. Some are, I believe, born of years of hurt that has compounded to the point where one’s demons…

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