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In a world that is often consumed by fear I choose love In a world where increasingly possessions and wealth are held dear I choose love In a world where hatred starts senseless wars I choose love In a world where we’ve sometimes forgotten what we once stood for I choose love The bitterness, the…

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Recently, I was called on to write a simple chant for a class I am taking. This wasn’t just any type of song; rather, it was intended to be specifically about someone I knew who had passed and it’s purpose was to be a something  of comfort that could have been chanted/sung when this person…

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The Stories We Tell

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.”-Muriel Rekeyser Several months ago I had an interesting conversation with a friend that has been looming large in my mind of late. We were talking about religious icons such as Jesus and Buddha, and my friend was referencing the lore relevant to these icons with an…

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Taking Form

I am like water. I touch and am touched by or feel in some way, shape, or form, everything and everyone I come into contact with. I run deep and I can be unpredictable. Sometimes I am still and silent, with an energy that nurtures and accepts. I move slowly in that I take the…

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The Heroic Insanity of Hope

Sometimes I find inspiration in the most unexpected of places. Recently, I was reading a Young Adult novel as I needed some brain candy to escape a bit and relieve some stress. In the midst of this novel, the main character and his teacher were talking about Moby Dick and Captain Ahab’s relentless pursuit of…

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Reset Button

Perhaps it’s the craziness of the end of the school year, work stress, and the lure of the sunshine ringing in summer’s reign, but lately I have felt…stressed, disconnected, worn out. I have felt like I need a break. Better yet, I need a vacation- but not one of those kinds of vacations where it’s…

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The other day, I was taking part in a team building exercise where we had to share something that happened in our lives in a random year that we were assigned. I was quickly able to pull up a brief, entertaining anecdote; however, in doing so I was reminded of a time during that same…

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