Ah, Ceridwen. The badass biddy who suffers no fools and has no qualms about hitting you upside the head with a clue by four should you refuse to listen to what she has to say. Her love is of the tough variety, but it is love nonetheless. Ceridwen’s cauldron has been busy of late. Have…
Category: Uncategorized
“Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life With Astrology, Magick and the Sacred Feminine”- Book Review
As much as I love divination and related arts, I have never been very proficient at astrology. I thoroughly enjoy reading about my sun sign, but haven’t really delved very deeply into other factors such as my moon sign, ascendant sign, or the signs in each of my houses. I think I unfortunately associated the…
The Guard at the Gate
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” -John Steinbeck I am a creative, imaginative person who loves ideas.There have been many times in my life that I have had an amazing idea-the kind where you can’t sleep because you are so excited about it-and yet have hesitated in attempting…
Viva Las Vegas
It has taken me a long time to write this post. I originally had a different post written to share this week but in light of what has happened, I just can’t find it within myself to share a blog post about overcoming fear just yet. Because the truth is… I’m scared. In a way…
The darkness is calling me again Mysteries creating a hazy veil I dive into an ebony sea And am plunged into midnight waves I gasp for breath And desperately struggle to ascend back to the safety of the surface Slowly, subtly, my fears turn to fins And I am swimming through the darkness like an…
Have you ever thought your love could save someone, despite evidence to the contrary? Maybe you found yourself in love with that bad boy/girl with the heart of gold and even though you knew they weren’t good for you you tried to convince yourself that your love could change them. Perhaps you have felt the…
I am mad. No, I am enraged. Fist clenching, teeth gritting, seeing red, about to blow…enraged. You might think that’s an odd way to start off a blog post on a page with peace and love in the title. But then, these are odd times. I typically try to limit my political posts or not…
MACLEOD’s TABLETOP (Adapted from a story told to me by Pete, our tour guide in the Highlands of Scotland)
In the Highlands of Scotland, an impressive flat topped mountain rises to overshadow the valleys and loch below. This mountain is known as MacLeod’s Tabletop. It is said that the flat summits were created after St. Columba visited the island on which it sits. According to local lore, St. Columba was not greeted with the…
Adventures in Scotland: The Highlands, Day 1
Give me but one hour of Scotland, Let me see it ere I die. -William Edmondstoune Aytoun If you had asked me why I had such an earnest desire to visit Scotland, I don’t know that I could have attributed it to any one thing. Perhaps it is the reputation that Scotland-and the Highlands in…
I Am Not The Girl
Usually when you ask people who they admire, they will give you a list of various lengths completely or almost completely comprised of individuals over the age of 18. There are many adults that I have admired and/or tried to emulate over the years, but my list also contains a few members of a younger…