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I Am Not The Girl

Usually when you ask people who they admire, they will give you a list of various lengths completely or almost completely comprised of individuals over the age of 18. There are many adults that I have admired and/or tried to emulate over the years, but my list also contains a few members of a younger…

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Disclaimer: This post is simply my opinion. I recognize that there are many ways to view this situation and that there are no right answers. I also recognize that no matter how hard I might try, I can never truly understand what it is like for the people and communities most impacted by this situation…

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Of Light and Dark

I used to be afraid of the dark. As a child, I remember cowering under my blankets once the light had been turned off and I was left alone in the inky blackness of my room. Embarrassingly, this fear carried over into my adult years. I didn’t tell anyone of course but any time I…

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Going In Circles

The story I am about to share with you is…well…it’s embarrassing. Let me preface this story by stating that I believe I am a reasonably intelligent individual as evidenced by my graduate degree and my ability to hold down a position in high level management. Please try to keep that in mind as you read…

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BRAVE It takes courage to be weak. Confused by that statement? It’s understandable. Society so often teaches us that to be brave is not simply a matter of overcoming our fears, it’s refusing to acknowledge that we have them to begin with. We are told that being strong means that you “suck it up, walk…

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